
Current Desire Of Me

as a human being, we do need things, and desire
here is some desire of me, that just passes my mind, and i really want it

1.Red BlackBerry Silicone
a red-coloured rubber casing for my blackberry, randomly wants this things when i see the attracting color

2.Suzuki Swift
AIHHHH, suddenly, i wanted to be able to drive a car, make things fast, and useful, this city car may fit me to have a driving lesson =) my father thinks i need to buy this. yeah!

errrr, this collectible camera attracts many people, especially teenagers, i'm very interested in photography, with this, i can do experiments of taking pictures

4.Lego Watch "Darth Vader"
this unique things is the latest desire that i currently saw, when i see this thing at local malls, i really wanted to buy it, but no money, ckckckck

actually there are still many things that i want to have, but i can;t type it all down in this small blog, xD


1 comment:

Sasha//Natasha said...

holga susah filmnya dim. gue juga ada holga tapi nganggur gara2 masalah film

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