
my cellphone history

1.Nokia 5110, old fashioned phone, or jadul, is my first cellphone, many people called it "handphone sejuta umat"
2.Nokia 2300 :)
3.Nokia 2600:D
4.Sony Ericsson W300i, a trnasition from Nokia to Sony Ericsson
5.Sony Ericsson S500i, i love this phone a lot, but i have to let it go, in a damn cheap price
6.Sony Ericsson W350I, the most short-time possessed phone of mine, just 2 months
7.Blackberry Curve 8320, the most fashionable,. and tech-full phone of mine, newest, modest


1 comment:

[insert name here] said...

haha. ini yang di facebook itu kan kak?

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